“Community is much more than belonging to something; it’s about doing something together that makes belonging matter”
The power of positive role models for both boys and girls cannot be underestimated. Children use many people both famous and those close to them, in schools and in their own homes as references for who they will become and whose behaviour they will emulate or model themselves on.
Although there is power in showing our children international heroes, there is also a power to exposing them to and discussing local people. Reminding them that success does not automatically qualify people as positive role models, and challenging them to evaluate values and virtues that they see in role models – is an important part of helping them to select positive role models.
When children see: confidence, persistence, organisation, getting along and resilience – and our values in action around them; this influences their behaviour. They try to demonstrate these in their everyday life at home, at school, and in their community. As adults can play important role in helping kids identify with positive role models whose success is within their reach and can be replicated.
Two picnics last Friday were certainly a fabulous way to celebrate the start of the 2021 school year with JSP and our school community. Both events highlighted the great sense of community and inclusivity that embodies our school and its people. It was lovely to see families old and new relaxing and taking the chance to get to know each other, in a relaxed setting with kids enjoying the fun of the waterslide. A huge thank you to our P&C for providing the nights entertainment for our school community. Our surprise Neil’s on Wheels paella proved a hit and filled hungry tummies!
I am looking forward to another unique City Beach Primary School community event next week with sculptures by our own resident artists on display in our 2021 Sculptures @ City Beach PS, set for next Wednesday 17 March, viewing starts at 1:30pm – see you all there!