Partnerships between home and school are important to us at City Beach Primary School. Class teachers send weekly Connect notices to parents to let them in on the learning that is happening each week. Two way communication is encouraged as both teachers and parents can request meetings to discuss progress, concerns and individual student needs. Many of these meeting have happened over the term.
Progress Interviews are also held early in Term 2 to provide a progress snapshot of your child; and formal reports are sent home at the end of each semester.
Our Term 2 Parent Interviews will be held on Wednesday 3 May 2023. The 10 minute interview will provide you with a point in time snap shot of your child’s progress across all areas of school life. Students will attend for a half day, finishing school at 12:15pm. Please think about how your child will be getting home on that day. Limited supervision will be available in the library for families who are unable to pick up their child/children.
Interview times will be offered between 12:45pm – 6:00pm, and various other times throughout the week to accommodate all parents. An email from Sign-Up Genius was sent today with a link to book your interview. Please note this date in your busy calendars as it is a great opportunity for parents to touch base with their child’s class teacher before reports are sent home, at the end of Term 2.
Finally, it’s great to be able to finish the term by celebrating the hard work of our students, staff and school community to ensure a safe and successful term of learning. I’m really looking forward to the P&C Sleep Oval early next term on Saturday 6 May – please see the flyer below and in the P&C section of this newsletter. This is a fabulous family event in our social calendar that you won’t want to miss!
I hope your family celebrations whether they be for Easter, Ramadan, Greek Easter or holiday getaways, are filled with chances to connect with those you love and share kindness and gratitude with each other. Have a fabulous break and take the opportunity to reset and recharge ready for Term 2! See you all on Wednesday 26 April for the start of another fun term filled with learning.
Be Safe Be Kind Be Fair