CBPS Business Plan Draft

Today I have sent out an email to our parents and caregivers with a copy of the CBPS Draft Business Plan
2021-2024. The plan is a framework of the School’s statement to our community about what we stand for and intend to do over the next four years to improve student outcomes. This together with the day to day teaching and learning program guides what happens in every classroom, for every child, every day.

Our school Business Plan draft 2021-2024 is a strategic framework that has been developed after reflecting on our past performance, to establish future directions and outline: Improvement Drivers and Initiatives, Key Improvement Strategies, and Success Indicators/Targets. The school community has shared their aspirations for their children and what they value about City Beach Primary School at Open Night 2020, through surveys, emails, conversations at the P&C and workshops with the School Board.

The CBPS Business Plan 2021-2024 draft provides a narrative about the school, who we are, a snapshot of what the school wants to achieve, and the broad steps that will be undertaken to achieve this. It is a living document that is reviewed every year and updated if required. The work of committees is in the writing of operational or annual improvement plans to make the business plan goals a reality at our school. Each operational plan links to an Improvement Driver to map out an annual timeline and monitor the school’s delivery of the initiatives, key improvement strategies and success indicators identified in the Business Plan each year. Progress towards achieving success is monitored by the use of a Business Plan Action Tracker in collaboration with staff and the School Board. These are not included in the Business Plan.

The vision has been developed in consultation with students’, staff and parents – our school community. It captures our aspirations for each one of us at City Beach Primary School:

City Beach…each of us…

Confident, curious and creative learners with healthy hearts and minds, belonging to a culturally responsive and inclusive community where future focussed learning equips us to contribute to a sustainable world.

Achieving Together with Pride

Our school motto: ‘Achieving Together with Pride’ and school values: Respect Responsibility Resilience; remain constant. These are our link to past traditions and connection to future possibilities.

Thank you to the parents who were able to attend the School Board AGM or visit the library to provide feedback and ideas. Where possible these reflected in the updated CBPS Draft Business Plan 2021-2024 which has been emailed to our school community for feedback until Friday 14 May 2021.  After the consultation period, the aim is to condense and publish the CBPS Business Plan 2021-2024 as a clear A3 visual snapshot of the School’s statement to our community about what we stand for and intend to do over the next four years.

We value your voice, and thank you in advance for your continued contribution to our success as a school.