Learning Through Volunteering

‘Through acts of service for those in need and working alongside people of different ages and lifestyles, your children will build a deeper sense of empathy. These connections might even be what motivates your children to spring into action in the future!

Our school community is a place where we want everyone to feel supported, and a place where everyone feels they can find a way to give back. This week is National Volunteers Week, and it’s a chance to celebrate and acknowledge the people in our school and wider community that make a difference, and to encourage volunteering.

A huge thank you to our P&C, School Board, EdConnect and our Rotary Cambridge volunteers who work tirelessly in support of our school.

Yesterday I was able to enjoy the sights and sounds of classes making the most of the mild warm weather and taking their learning outside. Some were investigating science and others rehearsing their Talk for Writing text in preparation for next week’s assembly at on Wednesday 24May @ 2:30pm in the undercover area.

This group of kids were loving their learning and have volunteered their time to be a part of a performance showcasing one of our literacy whole school approaches. Students from
Year 1-6 have given up some of their recess and lunch breaks to fine tune their performance. If you are able to come along next Wednesday 24 May, please join us in the undercover area at 2:30pm – we’d love to see you there.

Volunteering is for people of all ages and has incredible health benefits. When young children volunteer, they begin learning crucial life skills, experience sharing common goals with others and how to work together and compromise, to achieve those goals. They grow through service to others!

National Volunteers Week is a great conversation starter for schools and families to inspire kids to think about how they can volunteer in their communities, to connect and make a difference…you’re never to young or old!

Stay Safe | Kind | Fair