Sense Of Community

Our strong sense of community and positive partnerships at City Beach Primary School are a direct result of our shared values, expectations and aspirations. Our students, staff, and school community interactions each day reflect our school values of Respect Responsibility Resilience and are safe, kind and fair. We take pride in the success of our students and work incredibly well as a team to enable these successes.

Recently the Department of Education published a set of documents and resources to communicate expectations for staff, students and families when engaging with schools. These strongly reflect our values and expectations at CBPS. The Connect and Respect documents focus on the health and wellbeing of our staff, students and school community, and are well worth a read.

I have had to return to Spain unexpectedly as my parents’ health has deteriorated and they need to come home earlier than expected. I know that Alison, Brunhild, Kim, Tina and the team will keep the school running smoothly in my absence – I will return in Week 8, Monday  4 September.

In the meantime continue to enjoy a fun filled Term 3.

B e    S a f e    B e     K i n d    B e    F a i r