Wipe Out Waste Our environmental leaders are very excited with our new Wipe Out Waste Program with a focus on: Rethink Your Rubbish! Recycle Right! […]
You Can Do It – Character and Values Our values focus for Week 3 was Fair Go and in Week 4 it is Freedom. These are the messages that are […]
Celebrations and Achievements We love to hear how our former students are getting on and are pleased to share some exciting news for the Howard […]
Street Library Thank you to our Kindy classes for the new street library which was officially opened at our parade yesterday. The quaint red […]
Book Week News Book Week Parade Wow! What an amazing effort and parade we had yesterday morning. Thank you to everyone for supporting our Book […]
From Strength to Strength ‘Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and challenge.’ Napoleon Hill ‘Love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort and […]
A Balancing Act ‘While participating in multiple activities can enrich your child’s life, it can also make them feel stressed and pressured in an unhealthy […]
What you do when no one is watching… ‘What a person says or does when no one is looking reveals more about true character than grand actions taken while in […]
Adapting ‘All of us will be tested from time to time on our ability to adapt—on our resilience. The goal of resiliency is […]
Changing times ‘If you only carry one thing throughout your entire life let it be hope. Let it be hope that better things are […]