
As human beings, we long for connection. During that precious moment when someone sees us, praises us, or validates us, there’s a spontaneous connection that can arise”.      John Amodeo 

Welcome to Term 4 at City Beach Primary School where we hit the ground running collaborating with Aboriginal artist Deborah Bonar as a school community to create a series of three canvases that showcase our connection to country and each other at City Beach Primary. The three canvas are a designed around an aerial view of the land on which we work and play. It has been fabulous to see all students from Kindy through to Year Six, staff and parents contribute to each canvas to illustrate their connection to the land on cared for, for so many thousands of years by the Wadjuk people.  The community canvas project in kicked off the myriad of events and learning planned for the next 9 weeks of Term 4.

From the start of Term 3 and continuing this term, staff have been developing the framework for our Strategic Direction 2025 – 2028 plan by analysing and reflecting on a range of data including a review of our current Future Directions Plan 2021-2024, school community surveys, feedback, student achievement and progress data. This year we will be running two focus group meetings to share our strategic direction framework at this point, listen to your ideas, provide insight into school structures, classes, and specialist areas for 2025. Focus group sessions will be run for families with students in Kindy through to Year 3, and the other session for families with students in Year 4 to Year 6. Please keep an eye out for these focus group sessions which will be shared via the Compass news feed once staffing for 2025 has been finalised.

Next week we celebrate World Teachers’ Day on Friday 25 October. At City Beach Primary School, we have an incredible team of educators, teachers and education assistants who are committed to knowing each child, how they learn, and who support them to succeed both as good people and academically. Partnerships with our families are integral to this success and it’s always great to see, hear, feel and read about the gratitude and support for our educators from the school community at different times throughout the year – thank you.

I look forward to seeing many of you at school this afternoon, between 4-6pm, enjoying being with your children as they share the learning and progress they have made at our school this year.

Be Safe Be Kind Be Fair