Kindergarten to Year 6
Parents are required to complete an Application for Enrolment form for their child before starting at school. Once the Application for Enrolment has been approved and a place confirmed then a WA Public School Student Enrolment Form can be completed. Please note that a copy of the students birth certificate, immunisation records and proof of address will be required on enrolment.
In order that parents may be contacted readily, please ensure the school retains up-to-date information by notifying the school office of any change of address, telephone number, email address, health details or other relevant information.
If you are a temporary resident the following link has useful information regarding enrolment into school:
Enrol your child if they are not an Australian citizen
Application for Enrolment Form
Application for Enrolment Form -Kindergarten & Primary
Parent booklets
Kindergarten Enrolment Information
Kindergarten is a non-compulsory school-based education program that is run by qualified Early Childhood educators. It is available to all children in the year in which they turn four by 30 June and who live within our boundary as determined by the W.A. Education Department (see map below).
You can apply to enrol your child at City Beach Primary if you live outside our intake area however ‘out of area’ positions are limited and offers would depend on the number of’ ‘in boundary’ applications received by the closing date.
Steps to Enrol Your Child:
Step 1: Fill in the Application Form on this website (above).
Step 2: Submit your application either via email or in person. Be sure to include your child’s birth certificate, Immunisation History Statement, proof of address and copies of any Family Court orders.
Step 3: You will receive a letter in Term 3 advising if your application has been successful.
When you enrol in Kindergarten you will need to provide your child’s current Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) Immunisation History Statement.
More information about immunisation requirements and how to obtain your child’s Immunisation History Statement can be found at HealthyWA.