Early learning from kindergarten to Year 2 at City Beach Primary School is underpinned by our belief in developing the whole child. We provide a safe, supportive and nurturing environment that empowers children to grow.
Play-based, hands on and creative learning opportunities guide and inspire a love of learning. This, balanced with quality teaching, provides a strong foundation for each child to experience social, emotional and academic success.
We foster the development of positive relationships as this is central to ensuring the success of every child at City Beach PS.High quality teaching and learning programs are guided by the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and National Quality Standards (NQS). We also use The Kindergarten Guidelines and the Department of Education Early Years of Schooling Statement to support our planning. There is a strong literacy and numeracy focus. Our staff extend, support and scaffold children in their learning, development and acquisition of skills.
Children gradually learn independence and responsibility by participating in each session. The development of social skills such as sharing, playing together, taking turns and respect for others and their possessions, is encouraged. Practice in literacy and numeracy skill development is extended through the play environment and through stories, songs, rhymes and discussions during whole group mat sessions, held each day.
Reading experiences are provided in a sequential format. Syllables, concept of rhyme and letter sounds and names are taught prior to the Pre-primary year. Correct pencil grip, sitting posture, cutting skills etc. are modeled and encouraged at all times throughout the Kindergarten year.
Most 3-5 year olds display an interest in play with others of the same age. This peer group experience is a major step in social growth and we attempt to provide opportunities to practice and refine these skills informally through play in our learning spaces including the home corner, block corner, sandpit and water play areas. Creative skills are encouraged through modeling, painting, constructive and imaginative play, music and movement.
Each session is carefully planned; activities are organised to allow for plenty of freedom of choice. Every session offers an opportunity for the child to play, create, construct, dress up, role play, explore books, paint, solve problems, sing, dance, pretend, socialise, participate, relax, talk, listen, be listened to, and have great fun.
The outdoor learning spaces allow students the freedom to explore their curiosity and creativity, with challenging equipment that is safe and enjoyable.
The process of learning to read and write begins from an early age, where children can learn and practise many skills. This can be done in a range of ways and settings, including home. Exposing children to conversation, listening and talking as well as reading books is are essential elements in the journey to read, write and spell.
At City Beach Primary School we are using a synthetic phonic approach to the teaching of reading and phonics to help children learn to “crack the code” to learn the relationship between the letters of the alphabet and the sounds they represent. The “synthetic” component reflects the practice of blending or synthesising sounds together, while the phonics reflects the process of linking the sounds (phonemes) to the graphemes (written symbols).
The inclusion of the Letters & Sounds program aligns to one area of our new City Beach Primary School’s Future Directions 2021 – 2024 plan, under the improvement Driver – Confident Curious and Creative Learners, where each of us… love learning, enjoy coming to school and supported to approach challenges with energy, effort and resilience.
It strongly aligns to the following initiatives supported by the key strategies to support the delivery of this driver:
Know the needs of every student
- Systematically collect and analyse student data to inform planning and teaching and monitor progress in reading, writing and numeracy.
- Enrich student support in literacy and numeracy to target gaps or enrichment.
High Fidelity Teaching
- Embed a school wide self-reflective culture focussed on improving classroom teaching.
- Strengthen support for staff through professional collaboration: sharing, feedback, coaching and mentoring.
- Engage in a professional learning plan that aligns to our strategic direction.
Connected practice using evidence based whole school approaches in literacy is important to success for each child. The Letters and Sounds program is the structured approach that CBPS teachers from Kindergarten to Year 2 will be using to explicitly teach the 44 sounds represented by the 26 letters of the English alphabet. This program is evidence based, systematic and progresses from easier to more difficult. Teachers are explicit in their approach by explaining and modelling, providing guided practice and correct feedback, extends and support individuals to progress through eh stages and applies the application to reading.
Letters and Sounds is divided into six phases, with each phase building on the skills and knowledge of previous learning. There are no big leaps in learning. Children have time to practise and rapidly expand their ability to read and spell words. They are also taught to read and spell, ’tricky words’, which are words with spellings that are unusual. Children will work through the process at their own level and not move on until they have a full understanding of each phase. Follow the link for detailed information about each phase and how you can help your child at home. This information is also available on the Publications page of our website.