Specialist Programs

Extension Programs

At City Beach Primary there are numerous opportunities provided for the extension of students.

Primary Extension and Challenge All students are tested in Year 4 and selected students from Year 5 -6 participate in a wide range of extension programs with other students from across the North Metropolitan Education District.

Philosophy for Children (P4C) groups run throughout the year led by Amanda Sobkowiak for selected groups of children across year levels. Philosophical enquiry develops speaking and listening skills, vital for literacy and emotional development, and it encourages critical and creative thinking, essential in the 21st Century.

Public Speaking Public Speaking has been a focus in Year 5 and 6, with the students having the opportunity to develop their debating skills and participate in interschool competitions as well as Town of Cambridge Education Week competitions.

Support Programs

In parallel with the Extension opportunities there are comprehensive support programs focussed on students who are not achieving their potential.

Data collected throughout the year enables the staff to identify Students at Educational Risk (SAER). That is, those students whose achievement level, rate of progress or behaviour differs noticeably from past performances and/or that of their peers.  It also applies to those children who are under-performing, who are not achieving their potential.

A school profile has been established in conjunction with a whole school overview which is used to monitor children’s progress throughout all of their primary school years. Parent/teacher interview are held to inform parents of the process and strategies being set in place to assist the child.

Quality Teaching and Learning Adjustments (QTALA) plans or Individual Education Plans are developed for any child from K – Yr 6 who is under-performing in literacy and numeracy.

Individual Positive Behaviour Support plans are implemented for any students whose behaviour is affecting their learning or self-regulation.

Literacy Support groups operate for students in Year 1&2 to target their phase in our Letters and Sounds program.  Older students are supported in class and with the assistance of Education Assistants, using the Word Attack Skills component of Multilit if they have been identified as requiring additional support. 

Environmental Sustainability

The school has a whole school Environmental Sustainability Plan.  Students are provided with opportunities to participate and embed sustainable practices in each school day. They engage in Water and Waste Wise programs, recycle paper, compost food scraps and plant fruit, vegetables and trees. Malak Merenyj Bidi is our Native Bush Food Garden established over 30 years ago by students at City Beach Primary School, renewed by a passionate group of parents and staff in 2020.  Our Hearts and Minds Garden was established in 2019 as an edible garden and is now looked after by our Chaplain and a group of avid gardeners who meet twice a week as the Lunchtime Gardening Club to look after and grow fabulous produce throughout the year.   The Hearts and Minds Garden also provides a sensory refuge. Students take on environmental leadership roles within their class and one of the teams for Year 6 student leadership is the Sustainability Team, that focuses on sustainability initiatives and practices over the year.