Connecting Home and School

Connecting home and school makes us a great community of learners.

At the end of the day the most overwhelming key to success is the positive involvement of parents.

Education is a partnership between home and school, one that has the same aspirations and goal in mind – the success of each child at school. At City Beach Primary School we encourage a positive relationships and connections between our families and school, as each of us support kids to be:

Curious, confident and creative learners with healthy hearts and minds, belonging to a culturally inclusive community where future focussed learning equips us to contribute to a sustainable world.

As we come to the end of Semester 1 – it’s a great chance to look back and reflect on our achievements and progress, and celebrate effort.

All families will have received Semester 1 reports on Wednesday. These reports provide a summary of your child’s achievement and effort across learning areas in the first half of the year. Enjoy reading through reports and share in the celebration of their success. It’s also a great chance to talk about learning goals for the coming semester too.

In reports teachers may have marked ‘yes’ in the ‘interview requested’ section under the general comment to indicate they would like to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress. Many of you may have met with teachers earlier in the year for a snapshot of your child’s progress, to share an insight into their learning so far this year. Even if the no box was ticked in the interview requested section, you can request to meet with them to discuss any issues or concerns you may have regarding your child’s achievement and progress. We work in partnership with our students and their families.

At our board meeting in Week 9 this term the Annual Report for 2021 was finalised and has been placed on both our website and Schools Online. You can access the report via the following link: CBPS-ANNUAL-REPORT-2021.pdf (

Thank you to the great staff at City Beach Primary who are committed to providing each and every one of our students with high quality teaching and learning each day, despite a stop start term for many. Thanks also to you, our school community for your support, whether volunteering your time in classrooms, being a part of the P&C or School Board, your generosity in juggling home, work and school commitments is appreciated, and makes a difference to learning for our students at City Beach Primary School.

At City Beach Primary we continue to look for ways to visibly incorporate and make Aboriginal culture and perspectives a natural part of our school life. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish our community an enjoyable NAIDOC week, starting Sunday, with amazing activities and events planned around the country, recognising and celebrating more than 65,000 years of First Nations history in Australia.

I look forward to seeing you all again when I return from my second long service leave break in Week 4 Term 3, Monday 8 August. I hope you can all take some time to relax and unwind after jam packed semester, to recharge over the break ready to enjoy another exciting term filled with learning at City Beach Primary School.

Be Kind Be Safe Be Fair