‘Working hard overcomes a whole lot of other obstacles. You can have unbelievable intelligence. You can have connections. You can have opportunities fall out of the sky. But in the end, hard work is the true, enduring characteristic of successful people.’ Marsha Evans
My message for this week’s newsletter is centred around hard work and effort. Heading into the last couple of weeks for Semester One of the 2023 school year I can genuinely say that I have been surrounded by hard work and effort each day at City Beach Primary School. Students, staff, parents and our local community have worked hard to have a positive impact on our school and learning over the past 6 months.
At the end of the term students will be receiving their first formal report for the year. Student reports often bring mixed feelings for both parents and students: pleasure, pride, angst for parents; and ‘will my parents be proud, disappointed, happy’? for kids.
It’s important to understand that kids of all ages take their cues from their parents. Knowing this, it’s important to think about your reaction to their report and how this can affect the way they see themselves as learners. When you read their report ask:
- Are your expectations realistic?
- Are you focussing on their strengths?
- Do you consider your child’s effort, behaviour and attitude to learning?
- What goals can you set together for Semester 2?
And of course, ask them for their opinion on the progress they have been able to make, as they are generally very perceptive! Although the opportunity to be involved in interviews with class teachers at the start of the term should mean that there will be no surprises, please remember teachers are always willing to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress and how you can work in partnership with them to focus on areas for improvement or challenge. Simply arrange a suitable time to get together with them to discuss options.
For families with students in Year 3 or 5 waiting for their NAPLAN reports, we have been told that these have been delayed and are not expected until early in Term 3. We will notify Year 3 and 5 parents when NAPLAN reports are being sent home.
Lastly, over the last few weeks, we have had increasing incidents of vandalism on weekends and weeknights in the early childhood area. Teenagers have been leaving smoking implements and glass bottles in the cubby house and surrounding Kindy and Pre-primary play areas. If you see any activity over the weekend or after hours, can you please call either: School Watch on 1800 177 777; or the Police on 13 14 44. Thanks for your help with this.
Stay safe, kind, and fair