‘Lightness of Being A Beginner’

‘The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life. ‘

As the year comes to an end it’s lovely for each of us to celebrate the year’s lessons, achievements and successes. 2020 has had many times when we have felt unsure and embracing this uncertainty with optimism, resilience and effort we have been able to explore the possibilities of remote learning, think creatively about our teaching and stay connected as a school community.

The end of a successful year generates the excitement and lightness of being a beginner again for our students too! For our Year 6s their lightness will come from being a beginner at their new high schools in 2021, for our new kindy kids the chance to explore their creativity as they enter our school and classrooms for the first time, and for every other student as they delve into their next stage of their learning; new classes, new teachers, new classmates, new uniforms, new opportunities to be curious and creative learners.

Next week students will have the chance to spend an afternoon getting to know their classmates and teachers for 2021. Please read the additional information about the Whole School Orientation Afternoon that Alison has included her section of the newsletter: From the Deputy. Please also keep in mind that while we do not anticipate any major changes to the class placements, enrolment numbers can fluctuate and circumstances may change so…flexibility and the ‘lightness of being a beginner again’… will be the key to a smooth start in 2021.

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the End of Year Sundowner and enjoy the efforts of both CBPS and JSP students as they entertained us at the Christmas Concert. It was great to see everyone enjoying catching up and celebrating what has certainly been a unique year in our history.