Live a Balanced Life

Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life – learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some. Robert Fulghum.


Now more than ever the need for balance to look after our health and wellbeing is more evident. Research shows that students with a greater sense of wellbeing are far more likely to achieve improved progress across the school year. Our focus at City Beach Primary School has, and will continue to be on the social and emotional wellbeing of our students, staff and school community. With great social and emotional skills kids can tackle the challenges of learning and experience greater academic success. Finding the balance is critical. We know that positive partnerships between home and school increase every child’s social, emotional and academic potential for success in school and later in life.


At the start of every school year the homework debate comes up in discussions across primary schools, as children and families get used to new classroom routines and expectations. The debate has people in either the pro or anti homework categories.  We want homework to be an enjoyable experience for families that fosters positive relationships and gives you the chance to connect with each other and share in what they’re learning about at school.


At City Beach Primary School we are in the process of reviewing our homework policy to reflect current research and practices. The question isn’t homework vs. no homework it’s more about making the homework policy specific to our school, as each school is required to document their approach to homework, taking into account the age and needs of students, and the context of the school.


Some primary schools have a ‘No Homework Policy” with the only requirement being that children are asked to read or be read to every night.  There will never be a policy that meets everyone’s needs and expectations. We will work together with teachers and the School Board to review the CBPS Homework Policy this year, to reflect the uniqueness of our school community and achieve a balance for our students and families. In this way we will work towards our vision where each of us are…


Confident, curious and creative learners with healthy hearts and minds, belonging to a culturally responsive and inclusive community where future focussed learning equips us to contribute to a sustainable world.

Achieving together with Pride


Thank you to the many parents who have been working hard to promote the value of volunteering at our school in a formal or informal way as a part of the P&C or School Board. Research has also shown that schools with a strong volunteer rate perform better across the board, as volunteering has a tremendous impact on children, academically and socially. Have you thought of taking on a P&C or School Board role this year at our school?


Be Safe      Be Kind      Be Fair