Welcome to 2022 @ CBPS

What a great start to the 2022 school year we’ve had today, with all children settling in to their classroom routines with ease. I am grateful to each and every one of our staff for the energy, effort and enthusiasm they put in to setting up their classes for the very excited group of kids, (and families) that greeted them this morning. The joy was palpable. It was lovely to see so many familiar faces and welcome new families too.

This year we welcome Wonita Curtis to the early childhood teaching team at CBPS, while Mrs Lena enjoys her time with Jake, and the latest City Beach Primary School family addition – their daughter Amari Harper. Wonita brings with her a wealth of experience and expertise in early childhood, and I know she will love teaching our Pre-primary students this year. Riley Davidson also joins the teaching team replacing Kate Molloy who has stepped away from teaching into a fulltime marketing role this year. We thank Kate for her work at City Beach Primary School over the last few years and wish her all the best in her new role. Riley will work closely with Rooms 1, 2 & 3 on Wednesday, Thursday in Room 3 and Friday in Room 2, and is excited to be able to officially join the team at CBSP. Lastly we welcome Nikki Harvey into a new role for our school, as School Chaplain on Tuesday and Thursday each week.  She is very keen to get to know our kids, staff and school community. You will see Nikki around the school and I know that you will make her feel very welcome.

As we navigate through the ever changing COVID responses State wide, I will keep you informed of the school’s response, in line with Department of Education directives and our context via email, Connect and SMS – so please make sure we have your up to date details. Thank you to everyone for your support of COVID restrictions at our school, and in the community today and into the term. The staff and I really appreciate your willingness to play your part in keeping our school and WA as safe as possible, so we can get on with doing what we know best – teaching your confident, curious and creative children.

Be Safe Be Kind Be Fair

Mari Dart