Masks requirements students from Year 3 to 6 have now come into effect. This may have a varying impact on children which we will support through our Social and Emotional programs. We will be promoting the following messages to students in line with our whole school approaches.
Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Fair
- Wearing a mask keeps us safe
- Wearing a mask it is kind to others and ourselves to keep everyone healthy
- Wearing a mask is fair to everyone by following the mandate
However, wearing a mask can be uncomfortable so students will be encouraged to use the YCDI 5 keys to success to help them:
Be organised – make sure you have a mask to wear each day. Label masks with your name so they can be returned if lost.
Be persistent – wearing a mask can be a little uncomfortable. However, over time with continued use it does become more of a habit and initial feelings of discomfort ease. Try a different type of mask until you find a style that is right for you.
Be resilient – Be aware of how you feel and stay calm. If you are feeling worried take some deep breaths, find an area where you can take your mask off for a while and then bounce back to the task at hand.
Be confident – Know that what you are doing by wearing a mask is the right thing to do to Be Safe, Kind and Fair. Not being not afraid to wear a mask even when it seems difficult,
Show respect to others who may have a reason to not wear a mask. Respect what masks peers are wearing, they may have chosen a mask that reflects their personality.
Getting Along –Everyone deserves to be treated respectfully. Everyone has positive qualities.
If your child has some anxiety around wearing a mask, Covid-19 or other issues, we can provide support through Nikki our school chaplain. A referral can be initiated by talking to the classroom teacher or sending Nikki and email
More information about the Chaplain and her role in the school will be distributed to parents very soon.
The telethon Institute for Children also has some resources around Covid-19 that you might find informative.
Warm Regards
Alison Jenkins