What Matters To Us

We are a vibrant, dynamic and inclusive community of learners, rich in cultural diversity. Community and inclusivity are central to who we are at City Beach Primary School.

It’s great to be able to welcome parents back to school events and classrooms after the latest changes to COVID measures. If you’ve visited the school over the last couple of days, you may have noticed new signage popping up around the school. These signs aren’t there to enhance aesthetics, to make things look better around the school. They are there as powerful reminders of what matters to us, what connects us as a school community, our shared values and high expectations both behaviourally and academically.

They promote respect, responsibility and resilience – our school values and the behavioural expectations for each of us… to be safe, kind and fair. They shape the way that every member of our school community acts and behaves…each of us.

These core values and behaviours together with the importance of knowing each child so that they can succeed in their learning and life, guide our balanced approach to learning and wellbeing.

During first term teachers met with the parents of students who need additional support or challenge, to discuss the teaching and learning adjustments they have in place to target individual needs. Teachers develop Quality Teaching and Learning Adjustment (QTALA)plans to outline strategies that cater for individual needs of students in addition/or different to their class programs. These plans are monitored and can also include ways that parents can support their child at home in partnership with the school.

Genuine partnerships with our families are important to us, and the 15-minute parent progress interviews taking place tomorrow afternoon and across the week, are opportunities for teachers to share a snapshot of each child’s progress at school after the first term of the year. These conversations ensure that there are no surprises when Semester 1 reports are sent home at the end of the term. After the progress interviews if you feel you would like more time to discuss your child’s progress, please reach out to your child’s teacher and book a longer interview time.

I love the culmination of the Noongar Seasons project that has become central to our school – our students’ work in collaboration with Justin Martin has been immortalised on the blue wall next to the undercover area – I think it looks amazing and can’t wait to see it up close! Keep your eye out for a pop up stall next Tuesday (check) to order and purchase your very own Noongar season artwork immortalised in a range of merchandise, you don’t want to miss out!

I’m looking forward to getting back to school on Monday next week and seeing all staff, kids and parents. Thank you for working with us to manage the impact of COVID on our school community.

Be  Safe      Be  Kind      Be  Fair